



Ideas for Involvement


The community can be a wonderful asset to teachers and parents so long as you are familiar with the community and what’s in it. The community that is focused on is Cortland County. This web page will suggest how to bring the community into you classroom and how to get your students out into the community.

In The Classroom

There are several different ways to get the community into your classroom, and those ways are to bring in all different kinds of professions. You can ask community members into your classroom. These people can explain to your students what their role is in the community. Some examples are:

  • Dentists                                               
  • Firefighter
  • Police Officer
  • Post Office worker
  • Store Manager
  • Restaurant Owner
  • Pastor/Minister
  • Historians


Any of these people will be more than willing to come into your classroom. Remember parents can be great resources in the community, plus it will be a great way to get the parents involved in what their child is learning. Many of the topics that were listed could very easily be done as a field trip. Field trips would be very helpful because this way the children will know where each place is located in the town.

Out Of The Classroom

In the community you will have other forms of entertainment that could be used by parents and teachers. These places should be fun and educational to the children.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead