Ideas for Involvement






There are many things that you and your students, or children can do to get involved in the community. The community is a great way to learn about how to volunteer and get to know things about your community. Here are a bunch of activities that you and your students or your children can get involved in.


January- April

  • American Heart Month –February 1-28

-         Jump for your heart


  • Dental Health Month- February 1-28

-         Drive for dental items


  • Music in our Schools Month- March

-         Concert for raising money for an organization


  • National Reading Day- March 3

-         Read Across America

-         Read-A-Thon


  • Earth Day- April 22


  • National Arbor Day- April 25


  • Global Action Week- April 23-29




  • Children are out of School

-         Keep their towns clean

-         Volunteer at the Veterans Home

-         Volunteer at the S.P.C.A (if old enough)

-         Volunteer at Soup Kitchens

-     Bottle Can Drives


September- December

  • Back to School- September

      -     School Supply Drive


  • Fire Safety Week- October 5-11

-         Clothes or Food Drive


  • National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week- November 11-17

-         Food and clothing drives


  • Veterans Day- November 11

-         Volunteer at the Veterans home

-         Make cards


  • Geography Awareness Week- November 12-18

-         do something for the planet

-         plant trees

-         clean up around your town



  • Thanksgiving time- November

-         Food drives

-         Soup kitchens


  • Christmas- December

-         Adopt a family

At almost any time thought out a school year you could do:

  • Penny drives
  • Clothes drives
  • Food drives
donate any thing that you receive at your drive to local organizations or National organizations.

"Next in importance to freedom and justice is popular education, without which neither freedom nor  justice can be permanently maintained"

James A. Garfield