



Ideas for Involvement


A teacher has a big impact on a child’s life, being around them for 180 days out of the year. A teacher strives to become another pillar of support for that child to lean on when he/she needs it. Being a teacher is more than just reading from the book and never going off course, it’s about creating unforgettable experiences in the classroom that will stick in their minds forever.sdrkgh

Ways to motivate a child’s interest in learning:

Planning field trips that have to do with the lesson you are teaching them.

For example, if you are doing a lesson on different types of animals and learning what their characteristics are, a trip to the zoo would be perfect. Instead of just reading about the animal and looking at pictures, bring the kids to the zoo where they can experience the animals first hand up close and personal and create their own ideas about them. 

Learning about different cultures through the use of writing:

Having a Pen pal would be a great experience for a child to have because they can learn about
a different culture first hand through the reading of another child that is there age. I feel that this will lead to wanting to more other cultures and help them understand that everyone is different and that everyone should be accept no matter what cultural back round they are from. 

Learning about the world and community around you:

Participating in food drives for the community and other helpful things for the community will teach the students first how they can make a difference in a person life. The food would be an ongoing thing in the classroom that would also include donations of clothes that don’t fit anymore as well as canned foods that could be given to the homeless or people who need it. Learning about the world around them could include having them watch the news with their parents every night or scanning a newspaper when they go home and finding articles they find interesting.

All of these are ways to get a child interested in the topic they are learning about. These are all great ideas that will keep a child motivated to learning and keep on learning outside of the classroom.

"The great aim of education is not knowledge but action."
Herbert Spencer