Lauren Warnecke

"You know Lauren you'll never get a job in dance unless you lose weight"

"I don't think i can lift her...she's too big"

"I'm surprised how you can jump considering how big you are"

fat and talented


Laurens Story:

Lauren has been talked to on mutiple occations about her weight. 10 years go Lauren was 5'9 and weighed about 188 pounds, normal weight for a college student. Lauren found her college audition form and writen in capital letters on the front of the page was, "OVERWEIGHT", and then $3000 scholarship for the school. Lauren thought to herself okay so they think im FAT AND TALENTED. Thats how her teachers and peers all saw her. Lauren then started dieting, but considering her diet what else could she do, she cut out all bread and only ate,

Plain oatmeal with sliced tomate and back pepper, coffee with cream, 5 spoonfuls of peanut butter and half a bag of grapes.

Once Lauren started losing weight she stated getting good feedback from teachers and peer and they started to "like" her better. Lauren started over excersing because she liked the positive attention and everyoine just keep telling her how fantastic she looked. At the end Lauren's weight was135 pounds at 5'9. Lauren winded up getting hurt and gained weight back very quickly which lead to her getting fired from her dance company.

The reason behind her getting fired was,



"It's not about altering you bodies to fit dance, it's about altering dance to fit your bodies"