Injuries Among Dancers

Common Hip Injuries



Snapping Hip:

Snapping Hip is when the hip snaps while doing a grande battement. It is usually painless and harmless. What cases this is the muscle tendon passes over a bony structure creating a snap. Lateral Hip Snapping is the most common form, it is the movement of IT Band passing over the greater trochanter. Anterior Snapping Hip is an internal snap. It is when Iliopuas tendon passes a bony prominence on the front of the pelvis or femur.

Iliacus Tendinitis:

Iliacus Tendinitis is more seen in young dancers, and it affects the Iliacus muscle. This is due to an overuse during dancing. The pain is felt in the front of the hip, often around the groin area. Dancers will feel the pain and crepitus palpation over iliacus muscle.

Piriformis Syndrome:

Piriformis lies under the gluteus maximus muscle in buttock. This has a relationship with the saiatic nerve which supplies lower extremities with motor and sensory function. Turnouts and hip roation are part of the nature of dance which leads to the muscle becoming tight and rescricted in dancers. This can supply extreme pain to the buttock.

Stress Fracture of Femoral Neck:

Stress fractures are caused by repeated training of dance with faulty technique or muscle imbalance. Pain is normally felt in the groin, hip gridle, anterior thigh. Dancers will notice this pain either when stretching or when roating their hips.